An innovative terminology tool designed to boost the efficiency of content authoring and translation, while increasing linguistic quality.
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Version: 2.2.0 Updated Date: 02/05/2015
Compatibility: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Term Assist 2.2 brings Term Assist to a whole other level. Term Assist 2.1 brings many new features including improved search results, improved mouseover search settings, and the introduction of Term Extract.
Term Extract enables the user to extract specific terms from a document based on terms entered in the TermWiki community or from the user’s TermWiki Pro projects. The seamless integration between TermWiki Pro and Term Assist allows users to identify, translate, and maintain their terminology more efficiently than ever.
Term Assist is an innovative terminology tool designed to boost the efficiency of content authoring and translation, while increasing linguistic quality. Studies find that the number one factor that affects the quality of content is the inaccurate and inconsistent use of technical terms specific to a particular industry and subject matter. Inaccurate or inconsistent terms not only cause confusion among readers, but can lead to poor product quality or usability. Furthermore, time spent revising terminology errors results in launch delays, or worse— potentially millions of dollars in damages from product recalls or fines. In the case of life sciences or other regulated industries, terminology errors can also lead to customer safety issues and regulatory compliance risks.
Even if an author or translator has received specialized training in the target field, it still takes time to research terminology during the content development and translation process. This is why it's important that they are provided with the right tool that enables them to look up terms and approved translations quickly and dynamically, thereby allowing them to focus on doing what they do best: technical writing or translating.
When used in conjunction with TermWiki Pro, Term Assist enables technical writers and linguists to instantly look up a company’s official term definitions and find approved translations while they work, resulting in 20% or more on translation productivity gains.
Term Assist is powered, the world’s largest multilingual terminology website powered by subject matter experts and professional translators from all around the world. The application draws from’s vast database of glossaries and terms classified into over 1600 industries /subjects to help simplify your translation process, all with a simple mouse click!