Ensure your latest terminology content is always available and shared among your company’s content owners; writers, translators, trainers, legal, HR, marketing and sales staff. No static files should be used (such as an offline Excel files) as the latest changes must be notified and immediately accessible by all staff in real time.
Like all content, changes are inevitable. A good terminology management system must have built-in support for tracking source term and translation changes from initial creation, editing, to translation, review and approval.
The ability to define your terms is important for both translation quality and standard compliance. Never leave this task to your linguists or even your customers to decide as doing so leads to misinterpretation, and in the case of your customers, misuse of your products.
The ability to conduct fuzzy searches for your terms, their definitions and translations is critical in the prevention of duplicated content. It also give your global marketing and sales teams a great tool to look up product information in their target languages most efficiently.
Quality terminology development requires effective collaboration among your product managers, technical writers, translators, reviewers and subject matter experts from global locations. Being able to manage these members is essential to ensure controlled collaboration for both efficiency and quality.
Choose a terminology tool that supports the implementation of project workflow to automatically notify pending actions for specific stakeholders. Full report capabilities that highlight term status and outstanding tasks reduces risks of project delays due to inactions.
As the pace of globalization accelerates, it’s critical that all of your product information can be translated directly within your terminology management system to ensure the highest efficiency. Doing so also allows effective change tracking and approval.
The ability to allow your content owners to conduct terminology research and translation, review and approval of your product terminology is a must for today’s highly mobile workforce. A good terminology tool must simultaneously support terminology management on desktop, mobile and tablet devices.
The 8 factors above serve as the basics for organizations in taking their first steps towards professional terminology management. However, TermWiki Pro has many additional features such as advanced search, authoring and workbenches that help create the perfect translation working environment.